How To Improve Your Wireless WiFi Network?

Poor WiFi network can be an exhausting experience and if your Wi-Fi network isn’t performing up to the par then there are several things that you can try out to improve your wireless network without having the buy a new one right away.

1. Router Placement

The most important thing that you need for good Wi-Fi coverage is having your router placed at a location from where signals can reach everywhere. Not every place is equally suitable for the placement of a router. For starters, you should avoid putting your router close to a metal object or other electronic devices that also emit electromagnetic waves. The reason why this is a bad idea is that metals and other electronic appliances also emit waves which can cause disruption to the Wi-Fi Signals, therefore, you should avoid placing your router at such a place.

The ideal placement is that you should place your router at the center, away from other appliances and a bit elevated to boost the Wi-Fi Signals. When the router is on the floor then its signal emitting ability is limited, therefore, place your router at such a place where it can easily emit signals and there are no other devices or objects interfering with the signals.

2. Wi-Fi Booster/Extender

If you are getting weak signals in your room and therefore getting a slow internet connection then you should at least try a Wi-Fi Booster/Extender.

Wi-Fi Booster/Extender are devices that amplify the existing signal of your Wi-Fi Router. It takes the existing signal from your router and rebroadcasts it as a new network. All the data is coming from the main network and these devices only amplify the signals of your pre-existing Wi-Fi router. This is useful in situations when the original signal is weak or is not strong enough to reach your room.

3. Keeping your router updated

Another thing that you can do to improve your Wireless Wi-Fi Network is to keep your router updated. Routers on older firmware not only have the issue of malware and viruses but they also perform very poorly as compared to the newer firmware. The reason behind this is that older firmware has some bugs and issues which are fixed in the newer firmware, hence newer firmware perform much better, therefore, to improve your wireless Wi-Fi network, you should frequently check for the firmware updates for your router and keep it updated.

4. Switching the frequency channel

You can also improve your Wi-Fi network by switching over to a different frequency band. Most of the routers have two frequency bands available, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. By default, the frequency band is 2.4 GHz which is also the default frequency band of most of the wireless devices and is busy most of the time. Therefore, you should consider switching to the 5 GHz frequency band which provides an instant speed boost but at a short-range.

5. Encrypt your network to cut off leeches

Nowadays, it is must that you keep your Wi-Fi network encrypted with a password. If there is an open Wi-Fi network then not only can people join the network but they can also see the data being shared on the network, therefore, you should keep your network password-protected so that it is safe from leeches that are leeching off your Wi-Fi network for free.

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